ROUS is a familiar term around our home. For those of you who do not know sweet Westley, Princess Buttercup and the nasty creatures from the Fire Swamp, I highly recommended renting The Princess Bride immediately! ROUS or Rodents Of Unusual Size, have from time to time popped into my home to say hello. In case you've forgotten, this lovely place I call home is a seventies modular home that has seen better days. Let me give you a little glimpse into what I'm dealing with here. When the wind blows, which being from South Dakota is an everyday occurrence, my indoor curtains honest to goodness blow too. The majority of the windows are cracked and or gapping around the frames, so many of the windows are covered in plastic to keep out the cold and the bugs. The cracks in the siding on the outside of our house tend to let in little and not so little creatures of all kinds. As a result the outside of the house will soon be held together more by the sealant I spray into the crack