Today is a good day. Progress was made! The Hubs sent me a text this afternoon and he said he was officially breaking ground on the new house. Ok, not quite the new house, but as close as we can get at this point. He was hauling in dirt to start building up what will be the new road into the house, and the road is specifically for the new house, so it's good enough for me! In a matter of minutes he had built up a pile of dirt like this... It may not look like much yet, but it is a step forward which is sooo exciting for me! I also talked to the contractor this morning and he said the addition plans should be in by the end of this week. Step by step. I took a couple of shots of the view from nearby the new location. Here is the best one I could get today. Its hard to capture it on my camera, but you can see the river hills in the background of this picture. This other picture I took a couple of weeks back. You can see how much the trees have filled ...