Lucky was set down on the foundation today. We woke up to heavy mist and all around dreary weather. We knew, due to moisture, it was on the edge of whether or not we would be able to make the final move. In the end, it took a log chain and some pulling but we finally rounded the corner and pulled it into place. I tried to video it, but I had to start and stop so much because of all of the activity. I wish I could explain how it feels to have the house set down on the foundation. I got very nervous when we had to hook up the log chains to pull it. In a show of support, in only the way a man can, my carpenter smiled at me and said, "It's only a house. It can be rebuilt." He's right, it is only a house. I know that, at least my brain does. But in my heart, this house is so much more. I am a dreamer, a romantic. I have so many plans for this house and they are so much more than paint, furniture and light fixtures. This house will be where I raise my kiddos,...