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Showing posts from October, 2013

On Solid Ground

Lucky was set down on the foundation today. We woke up to heavy mist and all around dreary weather. We knew, due to moisture, it was on the edge of whether or not we would be able to make the final move. In the end, it took a log chain and some pulling but we finally rounded the corner and pulled it into place. I tried to video it, but I had to start and stop so much because of all of the activity. I wish I could explain how it feels to have the house set down on the foundation. I got very nervous when we had to hook up the log chains to pull it. In a show of support, in only the way a man can, my carpenter smiled at me and said, "It's only a house. It can be rebuilt." He's right, it is only a house. I know that, at least my brain does. But in my heart, this house is so much more. I am a dreamer, a romantic. I have so many plans for this house and they are so much more than paint, furniture and light fixtures. This house will be where I raise my kiddos,...


Today is the day. The house should be on its final resting place by tonight. The foundation is ready, the house is ready, I am ready. It is misting and very damp this morning, but it hasn't all out rained yet. I'll let you know how it goes! Posted with Blogsy

Final Move?

Here's what I still can't believe... I can't believe this blog, that I started on a whim , lead me to my dream hom e. I can't believe that I can go to Lucky anytime I want and knock things out and build things up. I can't believe that in the near future I will be able to raise my babies there, and cook meals, and live life, and fall asleep and wake up and do it all over again, in a house that has been doing just that for ninety some odd years. I feel truly blessed; not in a light sense of the word, but really, truly blessed. I am anxiously holding my breath until the house it set down on the basement. Then I think I will finally be able to relax and begin to believe that this is really happening. Right now, it still feels like it could be ripped out from underneath me. I have nightmares about the recent sixty mile an hour wind gusts blowing it down. I have nightmares about it rolling away on it's wheels. I just want that baby on solid ground the...

Photos, Photos and More Photos

I have been feeling guilty about not getting this post written sooner, but as usual, life has gotten in the way and I have been super busy. Last night and today it has been raining, so I have finally had a chance to catch my breath. In fact, I was over at Lucky this morning knocking out kitchen tile (more on that later) and I was making up a post in my head when I came to the conclusion that so much has happened that the best way to get caught up would be to upload all my pictures and pick the ones that best describe what I've been up to. So without further adieu, I give you, my camera roll! One last look at Lucky before she moved! The first beam going under. This is where my heart stopped. That is one tilted house! Here it is from farther back! Hooking up to the moving truck. These are the blocks that held it up. Unsettling how much they resemble Jenga blocks! Found this old stove in the basement! If you look closely you...

Short and Sweet

Have you been wondering what I have been up too? How could I write this and just leave you hanging? Well I've got a big, lengthy post all about how the house move went down, but I need to round up pictures and video yet. I wanted to write a quick note to let you know I survived. And yes, the house made the move just fine and is now temporarily sitting next to the basement for two weeks till the movers come back. There's been a lot going on here since then. Water started being trenched in today, electric is coming later this week, drain tile went in around the basement, a ton of dirt work, installing the septic tanks and so much more. While the subcontractors have been doing all that, I have been knee deep in my own projects. Literally. That's the kitchen tile coming out. Lot's of demo to go, but honestly I don't mind at all. I love that I am making progress. I love that I can go to the house anytime I want and do whatever I want with it. I cou...