I could write about how excited I was that the plumbing was hooked up and I was finally going to have a toilet. I could write about how dissapointed I was when the water valve turned out to be buried six feet under frozen ground. I could write about how upset I was when they dug out the valve and turned it on and water began to gush out. I could write about how we had to abandon the original water line and reroute a new one. I could write about how they cut the fiber optic line to the internet and phone while trying to fix the Hub's water tank. But I won't write about any of those things. They are simply to depressing. I will show you this. I finished staining all the old house floors last night! I could tell you how I drove all around town today trying to find 'lambs wool' or a 'synthetic pad applicator' that the directions on the polyurethane label call for. I could tell you how none of the four, FOUR, hardware stores in town sell either of tho...