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Showing posts from October, 2014

October and Stuff

I was sitting here browsing the good ole web (do people call it that anymore?) and I heard the happy little chime of the dishwasher go off. Currently the dryer is still clack-a-lacking away. My daily chores are being done as I sit and type. Literally being done for me, like magic. How easy do we have it? I mean seriously? I have been reading the Laura Ingalls Wilder series to my girls at night before bedtime, and we read about the daily chores, and the once a week baths and the long winters and I am humbled. This isn't the first time that little pioneer girl has slapped some sense into me . I complain about the piles of laundry and the stacks of dirty dishes. I swear about the endless cleaning and picking up in circles around my two little ones. What I wouldn't give for a simpler time. Then it hits me. I have it six thousand times more simple than the pioneers did. I am the one who is making it hard on myself. My kids could stand to lose over half their toys and t...