I am an avid reader. I love many different genres and tons of different authors. Knowing this about me, a girlfriend texted me the other day and said she wanted to get a devotional book, what would I recommend? I had to tell her something, something I had felt for a long time, but I don't think I had ever given words to before. I do not like devotionals. I feel guilty about this, and a little like I am not as good of a person as the people who set aside time during their day and commit to a true 'devotional'. I cannot get into them and I have never found one I can stick too. My problem is simple, they are too much work. Most devotionals I have ever read want me to read what they have to say and then get out my bible and look up certain verses. Some even have the gall to prompt me to sit down and write out my thoughts. Whoa, hold up, how much time do you think I have? Now, lets be clear, Jesus deserves my time. I get that. But right now, Jesus and I have an agree...