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Showing posts from February, 2013

A Crate and a Challenge

One of my favorite blogs is having a Pintrest Challenge. They do it a couple times a year and its just a fun time to challenge everyone to complete a project they've pinned on Pintrest. I've been wanting to get in on the action, but never found the time. Oh yeah and a little thing called, I don't do Pintrest. It's not because I'm not interested or I don't think I'll like it. I'm terrified of it! I already spend too much time perusing my favorite house app and a bunch of blogs I follow, and Facebook. If I added something as captivating as Pintrest, my house and kids may just go completely uncared for. So in the spirit of playing along with the Pintrest challenge I thought I'd share our headboard that I made a couple years back, loooong before I started blogging. It is by far one of the projects I am most proud of! Almost three years ago, the hubs and I got a new bed, a giant sized, California King! It came with a frame, but no headboa...

Jack Frost

Mr. Jack Frost rocked our socks off here this morning!         Enjoy the beautiful day!     Posted with Blogsy

FOOD Pictures!

I did it! I got a picture of food that I am proud of! Can I get a woot woot? Woot Woot! Check it out! While preparing the vegetables for supper last night the colors were looking so perfect, I had to try taking some photos. The girls were both napping, so I had time to try out a bunch of different settings on my camera. I found that the miniature effect oddly enough captured the best image. C'mon, don't they look tasty? I get it, it's a picture of some squash, onions and red peppers. But they look so pretty. So then it was time for supper. They looked beautiful. I drizzled them in olive oil. Sprinkled on salt and pepper. And popped them in a 425 degree oven. And set the timer for fifteen minutes. They looked wonderful but they tasted, ummmm a little blah. I think I got too heavy handed with the olive oil, they didn't really crisp up much. Alas, I guess I won't win at everything today. Better luck next time right? We're hunkering do...

Happy Valentines Day

I am a hopeless romantic, and I'm afraid I always will be. If Valentines Day makes you gag, stop reading. If it doesn't, I highly recommend going to Vintage Love on Tumblr . The photos will make you smile!     Enjoy your Valentines Day!   Posted with Blogsy

Dressin' Up- Before and After

I take in used furniture the way some people take in stray animals. I wash them up, give them some love and find a place in my home for them. I've put my husband on strict orders to not let me wind up on an episode of Hoarders due to my need to save every piece of furniture I find. I am especially a sucker for solid wood anything, crates, pallets, stray boards, you name it. If it has good bones, I'm in! The old dresser in the hubs' and my room was getting pretty sad. I use things and fix things until they just can't take it anymore. The dresser couldn't take it anymore. It was a hand-me down, of a hand-me down, of a hand-me down, if you get my drift, and since it was made of cheap particle board, it's time had definitely come. Luckily for me, my sister stumbled upon a woman in our hometown, purging her home of all the extra dressers she had from when her kids were growing up. They were free on the condition that we get them out of her house! I was happy...

The Farmer

I trust that, by now, you have all seen the commercial heard round the world. You know, the one that stopped all action and silenced a nation when the soft rumble of that voice drifted into living rooms on a Super Bowl Sunday. Yes that commercial . Paul Harvey's voice, unmistakable in its sincerity and beauty, spoke of a people whom work from sun up till sun down with no recognition. He spoke of a people whom care for their baby animals and pour their blood, sweat and tears into helping them grow. He spoke of a people, so foreign to many in the world today. He spoke of a people whom many have forgotten. He spoke of a people; my people. The farmer. I am a fourth generation farmer married to a fourth generation farmer. Together we are raising the fifth generation. We don't do it because its easy, it's not. The hours my husband spends working rival that of any doctor or lawyer I have ever met. We don't do it because it's profitable, some years it...