Things are moving quickly around here and it is hard to keep up with everything.
Some things are great; carpet out, hardwood exposed, yay! Some things are frustrating; rooflines in the way of original windows, ugh.
So in the spirit of Thanksgiving I am going to pop in each day with an update, to remind myself to be thankful for very step of the process, good and bad.
Today I couldn't be there when the first interior wall went up, and it is off by about a foot from where I would like it. In the big picture though, it's not a huge deal.
Today I am simply thankful for the first interior wall going up!
What are you thankful for? I'd love for you to join me in this month of gratitude!
Check out the rest of my days of thanks below!
November Day Two
November Day Three
November Day Four
November Day Six
November Day Seven
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