I am an avid reader. I love many different genres and tons of different authors. Knowing this about me, a girlfriend texted me the other day and said she wanted to get a devotional book, what would I recommend?
I had to tell her something, something I had felt for a long time, but I don't think I had ever given words to before.
I do not like devotionals.
I feel guilty about this, and a little like I am not as good of a person as the people who set aside time during their day and commit to a true 'devotional'.
I cannot get into them and I have never found one I can stick too. My problem is simple, they are too much work.
Most devotionals I have ever read want me to read what they have to say and then get out my bible and look up certain verses. Some even have the gall to prompt me to sit down and write out my thoughts. Whoa, hold up, how much time do you think I have?
Now, lets be clear, Jesus deserves my time. I get that. But right now, Jesus and I have an agreement. I think about him... a lot. Just not necessarily while I am sitting down with a book that is telling me how and what to think about.
Instead I read books that engage me, they get my attention and encourage me to think about the words that have been written. I can come up with my own conclusions, my own beliefs and if the book is well done, then I will go to the bible on my own and explore the verses further.
But I want the main verse right there for me in black and white. I want to read one book, because lets face it, I am probably juggling a baby in the other hand and don't have time for flipping back and forth between books and bibles.
Over the last several years, I have found many authors that provoke me and push me further into my faith, but it is not necessarily 'devotional' books that they write. Instead they are books on faith, and books on life. Some I can relate too, others are far from my own life experiences, but they allow me to see life through someone else's eyes.
I love books. Real books, with covers and pages. Something tangible that I can hold onto, and I prefer owning them so I can write in them, highlight and come back to them. But I have also started to follow blogs over the years from many of my favorite authors. It allows me to continue on with their words even when the book is done. Finding an author that you like is like going down the rabbit hole. One good author leads you to another, that leads you to another...
I couldn't recommend a 'devotional' to my friend the other day, but I could recommend some great christian authors. Authors that will encourage her, lift her up, and bring self awareness without ever telling her how to do it. Maybe my time will come when I am able to sit down and complete a "real" devotional. But for now, I can only recommend what I know.
I know that these women, these authors, move me with their words. They push me a little, and sometimes make me uncomfortable. They give me grace to accept my flaws and try again. I am a million miles from perfect and I will never pretend like I have it all together, but reading powerful words from everyday women reminds me that none of us are alone in this world. We are stronger when we support one another.
Heres my little support for today; a list of books I have read or that are on my list to read*, and a couple of blogs that I follow as well!
I had to tell her something, something I had felt for a long time, but I don't think I had ever given words to before.
I do not like devotionals.
I feel guilty about this, and a little like I am not as good of a person as the people who set aside time during their day and commit to a true 'devotional'.
I cannot get into them and I have never found one I can stick too. My problem is simple, they are too much work.
Most devotionals I have ever read want me to read what they have to say and then get out my bible and look up certain verses. Some even have the gall to prompt me to sit down and write out my thoughts. Whoa, hold up, how much time do you think I have?
Now, lets be clear, Jesus deserves my time. I get that. But right now, Jesus and I have an agreement. I think about him... a lot. Just not necessarily while I am sitting down with a book that is telling me how and what to think about.
Instead I read books that engage me, they get my attention and encourage me to think about the words that have been written. I can come up with my own conclusions, my own beliefs and if the book is well done, then I will go to the bible on my own and explore the verses further.
But I want the main verse right there for me in black and white. I want to read one book, because lets face it, I am probably juggling a baby in the other hand and don't have time for flipping back and forth between books and bibles.
Over the last several years, I have found many authors that provoke me and push me further into my faith, but it is not necessarily 'devotional' books that they write. Instead they are books on faith, and books on life. Some I can relate too, others are far from my own life experiences, but they allow me to see life through someone else's eyes.
I love books. Real books, with covers and pages. Something tangible that I can hold onto, and I prefer owning them so I can write in them, highlight and come back to them. But I have also started to follow blogs over the years from many of my favorite authors. It allows me to continue on with their words even when the book is done. Finding an author that you like is like going down the rabbit hole. One good author leads you to another, that leads you to another...
I couldn't recommend a 'devotional' to my friend the other day, but I could recommend some great christian authors. Authors that will encourage her, lift her up, and bring self awareness without ever telling her how to do it. Maybe my time will come when I am able to sit down and complete a "real" devotional. But for now, I can only recommend what I know.
I know that these women, these authors, move me with their words. They push me a little, and sometimes make me uncomfortable. They give me grace to accept my flaws and try again. I am a million miles from perfect and I will never pretend like I have it all together, but reading powerful words from everyday women reminds me that none of us are alone in this world. We are stronger when we support one another.
Heres my little support for today; a list of books I have read or that are on my list to read*, and a couple of blogs that I follow as well!
Inter-rupted (And basically everything else by Jen Hatmaker)
All the Pretty Things
Falling Free *
Present Over Perfect *
Uninvited *
Bread and Wine: A Love Letter to Life around the Table with Recipes
Searching for Sunday *
For the Love (highly, highly recommend!)
All the Pretty Things
Falling Free *
Present Over Perfect *
Uninvited *
Bread and Wine: A Love Letter to Life around the Table with Recipes
Searching for Sunday *
For the Love (highly, highly recommend!)
Flower Patch Farm Girl
Life in Grace
The Nesting Place
P.S. This is a devotional I often look up on my phone. One click before I am even out of bed some mornings and I am already starting my day off right. It takes less than three minutes to read!
Proverbs 31 Devotionals
P.P.S. I do most of my reading while in the car waiting for kids. Throw one in your vehicle and kill some time reading instead of looking at your phone in between picking kids ups, I guarantee you'll be surprised by how much reading you will get done!
Life in Grace
The Nesting Place
Proverbs 31 Devotionals
P.P.S. I do most of my reading while in the car waiting for kids. Throw one in your vehicle and kill some time reading instead of looking at your phone in between picking kids ups, I guarantee you'll be surprised by how much reading you will get done!
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