The sun hasn't even come up yet. I am sitting on the couch with my mug of coffee and a sleeping baby, who will turn one in twenty four days, laying on my lap. I am using one finger to peck at my iPad to tell you this.
It is beautiful, it will probably last only for a short while. No one else is awake. The three year old is still sleeping, as is her Daddy.
The weather forecast is calling for snow and wind. But everything here is still calm.
Layla, over at the Lettered Cottage, talks about choosing a word of the year. I like the idea much better than making a resolution.
My word for 2013 is calm.
I am high strung by nature, tightly wound, if you will. I try to hide it, I fight it everyday, but I know that most days I yell at least once, usually more than once.
I will be feeling relaxed and fine. The day will be going on as days do, and then something will happen, a spilled glass of milk, the kids picking a fight, something so small, a calmer person would barely blink, but I yell. I then feel immediately guilty and apologize to whomever received the brunt of my short fuse.
Calm. I want to repeat this word to myself everyday, over and over as much as is necessary.
Keep calm and carry on. We've all seen that phrase plastered across the Internet, but for me it's a beautiful aspiration that I desire.
So this quiet, calm morning, with this beautiful baby, still somehow, unbelievably sleeping on my lap as I finish this, I am going to move foward being calm.
When I am feeling stressed and angry and frustrated, I am going to think about this moment. This moment where the sun is just starting to break through the dark, and the ones I love are still safe and warm in their sweet sleep, this moment will be the place I go to. Calm.
Do you still do New Years resolutions? Have you ever chosen a word of the year? I hope you all have a blessed, beautiful New Year!
Linking up with Thistlewood Farms and her Cowgirl Up link party friends!
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