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Why I Need You

Want to know one of my guilty pleasures? Cream cheese frosting, from a can.

Some people are chocolate people, I do cream cheese frosting from a can.

Scoop it up on a spoon, sit down and lick it off.

I am telling you this, because I'm eating it right now and it's what I'm thinking about.

I also want to tell you this, so you know a little more about me, because I'm going to be needing you to hold my hand, and boost me up and walk me through this crazy world while I try to build my house.

I need you to give advice, and listen and scream at me, "Don't use a sponge to cover the bathroom in red paint, you will have to use two gallons of paint to cover it later!" (Thanks Mom for letting me use the sponge to spatter my bathroom walls when I was a teenager, I do regret it now.)

There will be mistakes along the way, designs that I will love, that will fade into outdated trends. I know these things. Those things are easy changes. Things that I just have to roll with.

I feel like, I am much more ready for that phase than where I am now.

Now, I am choosing the location, and drawing up plans. In yesterday's post I wrote about two possible sites for the new house.

The response was great!

I received a bunch of comments on Facebook, and my phone was getting quite a bit of action too. I have to say the responses leaned heavily towards building on a site with a view of the river.

I had a couple people tell me they had tried to comment on the blog and it wasn't working, so I hope it didn't deter anyone.

The hubs and I still have a lot to consider. In the end, we know the final decision will be ours, but it is so great to get feedback from all of you. You have points of views, and experiences we haven't even considered.

I just want you to know your responses are truly appreciated, loved and acknowledged.

There, have I praised you enough to keep you coming back?

Seriously, I am going to need you.

Don't leave me hanging out here standing in an empty shell of a house, crying, "Why won't anyone tell me the difference between eggshell and glossy paint finish?"

So please, I beg of you, don't make the hubs suffer through that! You can be the lucky one to go through it with me!

A thousand thanks to you all and I hope to be hearing from ALL of you soon!

Have a lovely day!



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