People.... I am so excited!
Seriously, there was dancing. There was squealing. There was behavior that I am glad no one was around to see.
But guess what?!
I finished the hardwood floors last night!
Two coats of stain and seven coats of polyurethane total throughout the house and I am officially done with the floors!
Oh my, if I could even describe to you to the excitement and refief I feel...
The floors have consumed my life for the past week or so, but now it's over.
It was hard for several reasons but one that I forgot to mention was that the kiddos couldn't be with me because it is such a stinky, messy, dirty job, so there were many late hours and odd hours working with the Hubs' schedule so he could watch the girls.
Now it is all over and I can relax a bit. I can bring the girls with me. They can run and play.
I may be jinxing myself, but I am going to say it.... It is downhill from here.
Now we can bring in the washer and dryer, and the fridge. They will join the dishwasher and stove which are already in their place.
So I have set the move in date for next week!
Can you believe it?
We have water, we have electricity, we have finished floors. It is time.
Oh, I am soooo ready.
I am ready to be done bouncing back and forth between houses. I am ready to be done telling the girls they can't come with me. I am done putting off friends and family events so I can get the house ready for moving in.
I am so ready.
This weekend I will clean and pack and prepare. Next week, the plumbers will finish up, the elctricians will finish, and the carpenters will work on the finishing touches.
We will move in.
Next week.
Oh, I cannot wait.
Thank you for the kind comments and the support from my last post.
You guys are awesome!
I hope you all have a wonderful day!
I will be back soon with photos and more!
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