I am a New Years girl. I love goals and check lists and I love the feeling of a fresh start, but resolutions have never been my thing. A few year ago I began picking a word for the year and I found that it works really well for me.
This year after praying over it and considering what I would like more of in the coming year, I knew that my word for 2019 had to be 'happiness'.
I want more laughter, more spontaneity, more fun in 2019 and none of those things come naturally to me. I thought about words like joy and contentment but they still felt too heavy, too loaded. Happiness, if I am totally honest, kind of feels superficial, kind of silly, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that is exactly what I need to bring into my life; more light moments, more moments of going with the flow, more freedom.
I want to put happiness at the forefront of my everyday. I am ready for light, for fun, for delighting in the everyday. I have no doubts that the year ahead will carry valleys and peaks but I hope that this year I will focus on leaving the world a bit brighter and happier than before.
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