I said something really stupid the other day.
I mean really, really, really stupid.
Here's how it went;
Me- "Yep, Grandma, we feel pretty confident we're moving in the right direction on the house. We know what we want to do."
Grandma- "We'll that's good. I'm glad things are working out."
Me- "Yep we are finally figuring everything out. We definitely know what we want to do."
God- "Oh silly little girl," as he laughs maniacally.
Yes, that is truly how I believe the conversation went.
I can't get into a lot of detail yet, but I can say the new curveball has nine foot ceilings, original beautiful wood work, two full stories and is priced to sell.
Sorry Grandma, I lied, I really have no idea what I am doing...
Enjoy your Friday!
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