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Seeing Dollar Signs

The numbers match up.

That's the good and the bad news, all wrapped up in one.

Contractor number two emailed me today with the rough estimate on the two story house. By his estimate, the house would be anywhere between $280-340,000 depending on the types of finishes etc.

Did your jaw just hit the floor?

Mine didn't. Not this time anyways.

I already had a pretty good idea what his numbers were going to look like due to contractor number ones estimate.

The good news, is that both contractors numbers are pretty close. This means that they are likely giving me pretty solid, honest estimates.

The bad news, of course, is that we cannot, will not, are not, ever going to be able to afford anything that expensive.

So right now, we will continue looking for a floor plan that is much more within our reach.

I am still thinking about a one story plan with a bonus room like this.


There's also the old farm house I mentioned briefly here.

I just always keep coming back to it. It's a two story, five bedroom, one bath house. We believe it was built around 1920.

The thing is, I have loved that house from the first day I laid eyes on it.

Everyone keeps saying it's more work than its worth, but there is no way it is over $300,000 worth of work. Renovating that house would mean, real wood floors, original doors, two stories, arched doorways and over eight foot ceilings.

All the things that are going to cost me some serious $ to build new.

The Hub's and others may see dollar signs and time consuming work where I see beauty, but I will not give up that fight until the very end.

So I guess what I am saying, is that nothing is set in stone. I am still considering every option out there. Renovating, building new, two story, one story, there are so many options to still look at.

I want a safe, warm, house for my family to call home. I will get there, it will take time, but I believe that there is a compromise that will work for us.

I may have to spend hours going over plans, and days going over pro's and con's. I may have to spend a year or two working out the details, but in the end it will be entirely worth it.

The blizzard continues here, so I guess I'll spend some more time browsing pictures here and floor plans here.

Have you ever fixed up an old house or built new? Which would you recommend?

Have a lovely day!

Source unknown



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