I woke up this morning and I swear I could smell banana bread, and family reunions, and fallen leaves and football.
Hello September.
My favorite season is upon us.
I love how I can feel it in the air, the undercurrent that moves in this time of year. The quiet change of seasons, long before the calendar says its time.
The air feels charged. It crackles with the hint of what is to come.
If I could travel the world chasing Fall, I would.
It is the reason I could never live anywhere that doesn't have the four seasons.
I look forward to it every year. It is so beautiful, even before the leaves begin to change. It feels fresh and warm. It is delicious and inviting. It is the promise of cold mornings and warm blankets to snuggle under.
This time of year draws me into my home to begin the work of preparing for the long winter. I crave slow cooked stews and chili. I want to bake breads and cakes and caramel rolls.
Oh, how the Hubs hates hearing me utter the "W" word, but I love the prelude to Winter!
I am still waiting to hear word on the start date for the Lucky house. I'm not going to lie, it's not easy waiting. I am going a bit stir crazy, but it's just a little time in the grand scheme of things. So I will wait, as patiently as possible (which is not very patiently at all).
Right now I am going to marvel in the wonder that is this beautiful time of year. I am going to pack away my possessions in boxes to prepare for the move, the way a squirrel packs away for the winter. I am going to throw caution to the wind and put faith in the honesty of others and believe that we will begin on the house sooner than later.
Autumn seems to call for faith. Faith that this season will bring the cold, sometimes harsh winter, but faith that it will melt into Spring before we know it.
Lately I have felt like time has been standing still while I have been waiting, but today reminds me that change is coming.
I am ready for it.
Linking up with this lovely blog and this one too!
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